Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I <3 Craig's List!

I posted on Craig's List, thought I'd share with you all.


What's the REAL Deal? - 21 (The Place Where Anonymous Defender Lives)
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Date: 2006-01-04, 12:09AM PST

Men have piqued my interest to the point where I must ask and hope that I get a genuinely honest answer.

What is everyone's problem with fat people? I'll be the first one to call myself a fat ass. I know it, I care, and I'm trying to do something about it with limited success. There, all the haters can move to the next post because I've already confessed.

This isn't really a rant or rave, I'm genuinely curious. I can see how people that don't iron their clothes can be seen are lazy, those that don't shower every day be seen as filthy, even those that are manicured and styled to the 'T' can give off a vibe of high maintenance. So what is it that the fat people give off and why are they treated like nuclear warheads?

And does anyone ever care enough to ask if there is a medical problem or the person is just lazy?

And what's your reaction to their response?

There are men out there that only want to date someone in shape and healthy. Does it not occur to them that there are people out there that may be 10, 15, 20+ lbs overweight and still healthier than the twig standing next to them? Is the perspective of healthy generally categorized as 'slim' or does it have real variance on actual health? There are some individuals out there that are just fuckin ripped.... 6 pack abs, huge cut legs, etc that ask for in shape girls. I can understand where they would want someone that perhaps shares their same interest in fitness or a similar outdoor activity. But what about these non-10 men out there that want a 10? Hell, not even 10 men.... 5 men that want a 10? Do you just want arm candy or is it really the ONLY BODY TYPE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD THAT YOU'LL RESPOND TO?

I've posted before in this section and was pretty honest in to what/who I am. I still got a lot of responses, even though I listed myself as overweight. So by reading all of these, it makes me wonder - do men just look for 10's but take anything that walks through the door, are they so self-centered to require their woman to be fit and healthy while being the fattest ass man has ever seen, or is their ideal image of a woman not what their 'type' end up being? Please respond. I'm not man-bashing, I'm really just curious. -AD


I had a pretty interesting conversation with a girlfriend of mine about ideal and typical men. If I weren't so damn tired, I'd share. Maybe I can do it tomorrow.


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